Welcome to "A Mad Designer's Journey"

The comic, inspiring and always fashionable adventures of this "mad designer" as she navigates the reality of pursuing her dream...living the artisan lifestyle of a jewelry designer.

Phoenix Design, Artisan Jewelry is a one woman shop powered by zany energy, midnight inspirations and the support of my friends.

Stay tuned this is going to be interesting....

Click on Phoenix Design Button for...

Click on Phoenix Design Button for...
Immediate Satisfaction for your fashion craving!

Etsy Shop Preview

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Disco Ball Mirrored Eyepatch by dinafleur on Etsy

I have been really into edgy Steam Punk/Gothic fashion lately and I just love this eye patch.
Now I just need to find the perfect outfit and actually get out of the house! lol

Follow the link above to see this and other dinafleur designs :)

Share the love link to this post: Expanding your SEO: social media REACH w/ a budget

Phoenix Artisan Jewelry; A Mad Designer's Journey as a full time artisan.: Expanding your social media REACH w/ a budget

Expanding your social media REACH w/ a budget

I just finished setting up my FREE website and blog on Weebly.com and I am happy to say it was easy. After reading a post about Weebly (I do not remember where) I checked it out as another way to improve my SEO and Social Media Reach.

What can You do with Weebly?
  • Create a free website & blog
  • Easy drag and drop interface
  • No technical skills required
  • Dozens of professional designs
  • Free domain hosting
Check out my Weebly Website and Blog (see tab at top of page) for a preview of a simple set up. I plan on adding more widgets and links to tie it in with my other sites now that I have the base set up.

If you have an Etsy Shop you can simply add the code for your Etsy mini, like I did for a quick format with a built in shopping link. I used the gallery view and selected the top number of rows/columns on the Etsy mini and it filled up the page perfectly.

Here is the link to Create a free website.

Monday, May 3, 2010

$20.00 Sale on all Earrings listed online!


Join me in celebrating a "milestone" birthday!
$20.00 May Madness Earring Sale in all online shops!


FREE SHIPPING on orders of $40.00 or more...in addition to dramatically reduced pricing throughout my shop & new gift set pairings as seen in the "Gift Set Inspirations" You-tube video short embedded in many of my sites and blog.
Kim the “Mad Designer” of Phoenix Design Jewelry


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Phoenix Artisan Jewelry; A Mad Designer's Journey as a full time artisan.: KimPhoenixDesignJewelry Artisan Studio ArtFire Buy & Sell Handmade

Phoenix Artisan Jewelry; A Mad Designer's Journey as a full time artisan.: KimPhoenixDesignJewelry Artisan Studio ArtFire Buy & Sell Handmade

KimPhoenixDesignJewelry Artisan Studio ArtFire Buy & Sell Handmade


Join me in celebrating a "milestone" birthday!

FREE SHIPPING on orders of $40.00 or more...

...in addition to dramatically reduced pricing throughout my shop...

& new gift set pairings as seen in the "Gift Set Inspirations" 
You-tube video short embedded in many of my sites and blog.

Kim the “Mad Designer” of Phoenix Design Jewelry

ROCK ON! by Phoenix Design Jewelry